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Reveal Hidden Reserves of Strength in Reinforced Concrete Slabs by Yield Line theory (降伏線理論)


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CFD Analysis of Millau Bridge by SOFiSTiK DolFyn

Millau Bridge in France was analyzed by SOFiSTiK DolFyn. This CFD analysis example is included in SOFiSTiK sample data. Fig. 1(a) Turbulent energy at middle span (zoomed) Fig. 1(b) Turbulent energy at middle span (full scale) Fig. 2(a) Flow velocity at middle span (zoomed)  Fig. 2(b) Flow velocity at middle span (zoomed)  Fig. 3 Turbulent viscosity at middle span (full model) Fig.4  Wind pressure at middle span section to be applied to structural analysis

DOLFYN in SOFiSTiK. CFD Analysis (Russian 25sec and English)


Does your current geotechnical analysis software miss critical failure mechanisms? LimitState:GEO is a powerful and versatile ULS analysis tool that can determine the true collapse mechanism and margin of safety for any geotechnical problem, including those containing gravity retaining walls. Move beyond the sliding, overturning and bearing failures treated by traditional automated hand calculation software. Join us on 3rd May as we discuss the use of LimitState:GEO to analyse and design gravity retaining walls for engineering projects, such as highway and railway embankments, landscaping, and waterfront developments. Prof. Colin Smith, LimitState:GEO product manager, will provide a step-by-step introduction to analysing gravity retaining walls using LimitState:GEO. Topics covered will include: defining problem geometry, materials, and loading conditions understanding the important concept of soil/structure interface properties, including cohesive tensile resistance considering mu...